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Maison de la Santé Huncherange
70, route d'Esch, L-3340 HUNCHERANGE (Commune de Bettembourg)
currently no new patients

I work with both groups and individuals. My working method is very strongly based on cognitive behavioural therapy.

What is cognitive behavioural therapy?
Cognitive-behavioral therapy addresses a patient's difficulties by using practical exercises that focus on observable behavioral symptoms. Additionally, the therapist works on both conscious and unconscious mental processes, or cognitive processes, believed to underlie emotions and their disorders.
For example, when someone is depressed, he or she sees everything in a negative light. He or she may think that his or her situation is hopeless and feel helpless, with a negative view of himself or herself, the world and the future. The cognitive-behavioural therapist will help the person to identify these negative thoughts and modify them to bring them into line with reality. By doing this, the therapist and patient will be able to change depressive moods by planning regular activities that are sources of pleasure. The therapy may include stress and sleep management exercises and relaxation techniques.

Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology, Social psychology, Traffic and Transportation Psychology
Lëtzebuergesch, Français, Deutsch, English
Trauma therapy, Cognitive behavioural therapy, Brief therapy, Social skills training
Anxiety disorders and phobia, Behavioural disorder, Burnout and work conflicts, Depression and mood disorders, Sleep disorders, Stress and stress management, Trauma
Psychological testing
Refunded by CNS

I graduated as a psychologist from the University of Nancy in 2002, where I also obtained my doctorate in psychology in 2009. This doctorate was done in collaboration with INRETS (now IFSTTAR), France's national road safety research institute. The subject of my doctoral thesis was communication in road safety messages.
Today I'm Director of the Health Department at the Domaine Thermal in Mondorf ( ). In 2006 I founded the C.P.A.T.S. (Centre de Psychologie Appliquée aux Transports et à leur Sécurité), which I still advise today ( ). I worked for 15 years with the Ligue Santé Mentale ( ), including 10 years as Director of the Prevention and Training Department (formerly the Centre d'Information et de Prévention).
I was coordinator of the 1st National Suicide Prevention Plan (2015 - 2019), a five-year action programme carried out in collaboration with the Ministry of Health ( ). I was also a member of the steering committee for the National Mental Health Plan (2024 - 2028).
From 2014 to 2018 I was president of the Société Luxembourgeoise de Psychologie ( ). I am co-founder of FAPSYLUX, the Federation of Associations representing PSYchotherapists in the Grand Duchy of LUXembourg asbl ( ).
My areas of interest are prevention in general and road risk prevention in particular, mental health prevention and suicide prevention.