Organisme de formation agréé par arrêté ministériel du 10.08.2016



The SLP office has gone paperless since June 2019. Please contact us exclusively via this form or by email  ( If a postal delivery is required, please contact the office.

Use our directory with its filters to select and contact psychologists/psychotherapists. No counselling regarding the selection of psychologists/psychotherapists is possible via this address. If you have any questions, please contact directly our members via the directory.

No requests for internships (stages) will be answered via this address. Please contact our partner organisation ALEP or use the filters of our directory to find psychologists/psychotherapists who offer internships.


First Name-Name*





* = mandatory fields

SLP Office closed

04.07. - 24.07.24 inclus

06.09. - 16.09.24 inclus

Bank account: CCPLU97 1111 0536 7837 0000 (IBAN)

PayconiqNumber 621 370 160

Business RegisterLuxembourg R.C.S.
Luxembourg F4769
(vol. 371, fol. 26, case 11)
Grënnungsdatum: 18ten Juli 1985

Copyright © SLP - project by Addedsense - photo credits